Events Archives
Monday, January 08, 2018 | 05:00 pm - 07:00 pm

Vamos a Leer Book Group: Maximilian and the Mystery of the Guardian Angel
Join the UNM Latin American & Iberian Institute for our casual Vamos a Leer book group, a space dedicated to teachers discussing authentic and engaging Latinx literature for elementary, middle and high school classrooms. Each month we share curriculum, raffle a free copy of next month’s title, discuss Latinx culture and literary themes, and enjoy a pint.
Tuesday, January 23, 2018 | 04:00 pm - 05:00 pm

Facilitating & Sharing Community-Based Research through Seed Saving Initiatives in Rural Communities of Northern Ecuador
Michael Ayala Ayala , Universidad Central del Ecuador
Please join us for a presentation with Latin American Studies doctoral student Michael Ayala Ayala, who will address his recent, community-based research involving seed saving initiatives in rural Ecuador.
Wednesday, January 31, 2018 | 12:00 pm - 01:00 pm

Greenleaf Visiting Library Scholar: A Language Contact Perspective on New Mexican Spanish Phonology
Dr. Esther L. Brown , University of Colorado Boulder
Please join us for a presentation with Dr. Esther Brown, Greenleaf Visiting Library Scholar, as she presents on her research involving language contact in New Mexican Spanish phonology.
Friday, February 02, 2018 | 12:00 pm - 01:00 am

Field Research Grant (FRG) Help Session
First-time applicants are encouraged to join us for a help session detailing the application process for LAII Field Research Grants(FRGs).
Monday, February 12, 2018 | 05:00 pm - 07:00 pm

Vamos a Leer Book Group: The Inexplicable Logic of My Life
Join the UNM Latin American & Iberian Institute for our casual Vamos a Leer book group, a space dedicated to teachers discussing authentic and engaging Latinx literature for elementary, middle and high school classrooms. Each month we share curriculum, raffle a free copy of next month’s title, discuss Latinx culture and literary themes, and enjoy a pint.
Tuesday, February 20, 2018 | 03:00 pm - 04:00 pm

CNM•UNM LAS Lecture Series: Adaptation to Drought in Costa Rica’s Crony Capitalist Rice Economy
Benjamin Warner , UNM Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences
Join us for the first presentation in the Spring 2018 CNM•UNM LAS Speaker Series as Dr. Benjamin Warner shares his research on how smaller farmers adapt to climate change in Costa Rica.
Wednesday, February 21, 2018 | 12:00 pm - 01:00 pm

Greenleaf Visiting Library Scholar Lecture: The Prosodic Structure of Code-Switching in New Mexican Spanish
Jonathan Steuck , Pennsylvania State University
Please join the LAII and University Libraries for a presentation with Richard E. Greenleaf Visiting Library
Scholar Jonathan Steuck, a doctoral candidate in Hispanic Linguistics and Language Science at Pennsylvania State University. Steuck’s
Friday, February 23, 2018 | 12:00 pm - 01:00 pm

LAII Lecture Series: Mexico in the Key of Rock: Some Thoughts on Music and Literature
Brian Price , Brigham Young University
Join the LAII and the Department of Spanish and Portuguese for a presentation with Dr. Brian Price of Brigham Young University as he discusses research related to his most recent book project, Viva Rockotitlán: Rock Literature in Mexico (1955-2015), which tells the story of how rock and roll transformed Mexican literature and, by doing so, revolutionized the way that citizens imagined themselves and their nation.
Monday, February 26, 2018 | 12:00 pm - 01:00 pm

LAII Lecture Series: Poverty and Political Participation in Latin America
Carew Boulding , University of Colorado Boulder
Join the LAII and the Department of Political Science for the first presentation in the Spring 2018 LAII Lecture Series, as Dr. Carew Boulding presents on poverty and political participation in Latin America.
Monday, February 26, 2018 | 03:00 pm - 04:30 pm

ESPECTROS: Breaking Silences and Telling Stories of Gendered Violence
Dr. Amanda L. Peterson , University of San Diego
Join the UNM Department of Spanish and Portuguese and the LAII for a presentation with Dr. Amanda L. Peterson, who will speak about her co-edited volume ESPECTROS: Ghostly Hauntings in Transhispanic Narratives.
Tuesday, March 06, 2018 | 12:00 pm - 01:00 pm

LAII Lecture Series: Mexico's Difficult Democratic Moment
Claudio Holzner , Director of the Center for Latin American Studies, University of Utah
Join the Department of Political Science and the LAII for a presentation with Dr. Claudio Holzner, Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Utah, as he discusses the political context of Mexico's upcoming presidential elections.
Thursday, March 08, 2018 | 07:00 pm - 09:00 pm

Film Screening: Chavela
Join the LAII, Instituto Cervantes, and the National Hispanic Cultural Center for a FREE film screening of the acclaimed documentary, Chavela.
Monday, March 12, 2018 | 05:00 pm - 07:00 pm

Vamos a Leer Book Group: The Only Road
Join the UNM Latin American & Iberian Institute for our casual Vamos a Leer book group, a space dedicated to teachers discussing authentic and engaging Latinx literature for elementary, middle and high school classrooms. Each month we share curriculum, raffle a free copy of next month’s title, discuss Latinx culture and literary themes, and enjoy a pint.
Tuesday, March 20, 2018 | 12:00 pm - 01:00 pm

LAII Lecture Series: Why Charles Bent had to Die (and Oraibi had to be Sacked): Pastoral Conflict in the Nineteenth Century New Mexico Borderlands
Lance R. Blyth , LAII Research Associate
Join the UNM Latin American & Iberian Institute (LAII) for a presentation with LAII Research Associate Dr. Lance R. Blyth as he speaks on his research focused on 19th century New Mexico borderlands.
Wednesday, March 21, 2018 | 02:00 pm - 03:30 pm

LAII Lecture Series: Trauma as Cultural Legibility in BANG: Researching and Writing the Contemporary Narconovela
Daniel Peña
Join the Department of Spanish & Portuguese and the Latin American & Iberian Institute for a presentation with noted author Daniel
Peña as he speaks about the process of writing his latest work, BANG (Arte Público Press).
Wednesday, March 21, 2018 | 05:00 pm - 08:00 pm

K-12 Educator's Workshop: Paulo Freire, Augusto Boal, and Theatre of the Oppressed
Join us for a free professional development workshop for educators as we explore the Theatre of the Oppressed in reference to K-12 education.
Thursday, March 22, 2018 | 05:30 pm - 07:00 pm

SOLAS Sin Fronteras Latino Film Festival
Join the Student Organization for Latin American Studies (SOLAS) for their annual Sin Fronteras Latino Film Festival, a completely free event open to the UNM and greater Albuquerque community.
Friday, March 23, 2018 | 08:00 am - 01:00 pm

Four Corners Conflict Network
Join the Four Corners Conflict Network (4CCN) for their third annual conference. The 4CCN was established in 2015 with a view towards building some community connecting the many scholars of violent and nonviolent forms of political and social conflict that work at universities in the four corner states: Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah.
Friday, March 23, 2018 | 12:00 pm - 01:00 pm

LAII Open House
Join students and faculty affiliated with or interested in Latin American Studies for an open house at the LAII, where we can get to know one another informally over coffee and more.
Monday, March 26, 2018 | 12:00 pm - 01:00 pm

LAII Lecture Series: Community Policing the Brazilian Slum
Michael Wolff , Western Washington University
Join the LAII for a presentation with Dr. Michael Wolff, assistant professor of political science at Western Washington University, whose research focuses on the social and political dynamics of criminal systems and public security policy in Latin America.
Wednesday, March 28, 2018 | 12:00 pm - 01:00 pm

Synonymic Borrowings in Bilingual Context: A Corpus Approach to New Mexico Spanish
Alicia Assini , University of Texas at Austin
Please join the Latin American and Iberian Institute (LAII) and University Libraries for a presentation with Richard E. Greenleaf Visiting Library Scholar Alicia Assini, a doctoral candidate in Hispanic Linguistics at the University of Texas at Austin.
Wednesday, March 28, 2018 | 03:00 pm - 04:00 pm

CNM•UNM LAS Lecture Series: Fieldwork in Colombia: The Experiences of an Activist and Anthropology Student
María del Pilar File-Muriel , UNM Department of Anthropology
Join the UNM and CNM Latin American Studies programs for a presentation in their Spring 2018 LAS Lecture Series as graduate student María del Pilar File-Muriel shares her experiences conducting fieldwork in Colombia
Wednesday, April 04, 2018 | 12:00 pm - 01:00 pm

LAII Lecture Series: Creating the Sisters in Blue: History, Legend and Place
Anna Nogar • Enrique Lamadrid • Amy Córdova
Join us for a presentation with Dr. Anna Nogar, Dr. Enrique Lamadrid, and Amy Córdova as they share the process behind creating Sisters in Blue/Hermanas de azul: Sor María de Ágreda Comes to New Mexico/ Sor María de Ágreda viene a Nuevo México, a bilingual children's book that weaves together New Mexican history, legend, and place.
Thursday, April 05, 2018 | 03:00 pm - 04:00 pm

Resolana con Simón Romero
Join the UNM Spanish as a Heritage Language student organization, Resolanas, as they welcome journalist Simón Romero.
Friday, April 06, 2018 | 12:00 pm - 01:30 pm

Spring 2018 C&J Colloquium: Citizen Made Alien: Gender, Race, and Violence in the Politics of War
Dr. Lisa A. Flores , University of Colorado Boulder
Join the Department of Communications & Journalism for a presentation with Dr. Lisa A. Flores, Associate Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Colorado Boulder, as she discusses gender, race, and violence in the politics of war.
Saturday, April 07, 2018 | 10:30 am - 03:00 pm

25th Annual César Chávez March and Fiesta
Join the Recuerda a César Chávez Committee for their 25th Annual Marcha de Justicia and fiesta honoring the life and legacy of Chávez and farm workers.
Monday, April 09, 2018 | 12:00 pm - 01:00 pm

LAII Lecture Series: Multi-Actor Conflict and Violence in Colombia
Dr. Javier Osorio , University of Arizona
Join us for a presentation with Dr. Javier Osorio, an Assistant Professor in the School of Government and Public Policy at the University of Arizona, as he discusses multi-actor conflict and violence in Colombia.
Monday, April 09, 2018 | 05:00 pm - 07:00 pm

Vamos a Leer Book Group: How I Became a Nun
Join the UNM Latin American & Iberian Institute for our casual Vamos a Leer book group, a space dedicated to teachers discussing authentic and engaging Latinx literature for elementary, middle and high school classrooms. Each month we share curriculum, raffle a free copy of next month’s title, discuss Latinx culture and literary themes, and enjoy a pint.
Tuesday, April 10, 2018 | 06:00 pm - 07:30 pm

Photographic: A Reading and Signing with Author and Illustrator
Isabel Quintero • Zeke Peña
Join us for a special evening with author Isabel Quintero and illustrator Zeke Peña as they discuss their newest collaboration, the amazing graphic novel, Photographic: The Life of Graciela Iturbide.
Wednesday, April 11, 2018 | 12:00 pm - 08:00 pm

Segundo Encuentro Jaranerxs Burqueño 2018
Patricia Hidalgo • Esther Cruz Marantos
Join us for a week of community building with two Son Jarocho musicians from Veracruz Mexico, Patricio Hidalgo and Esther Cruz Marantos. As keepers and experts of AfroMexican folk music, they will be sharing historical knowledge of Son Jarocho and host zapeatedo (dance), lyric writing and jarana workshops. This fabulous week is open to anyone that is interested in learning about the Afro Influences in Son Jarocho and a great opportunity to learn how to play an instrument.
Wednesday, April 11, 2018 | 05:00 pm - 06:30 pm

Haciendo justicia desde la comunidad: A Discussion with Peruvian Artists and Activists
Adelina García • Wari Zárate • and Rosalía Tineo
Meet Peruvian artists and activists Adelina García, Wari Zaraté, and Rosalia Tineo whose work is at the forefront of the fight for truth, justice, and reconciliation in the wake of the 20 year internal armed conflict with the Shining Path that claimed the lives of nearly 70,000 Peruvians between 1980 and 2000. Using their traditional folk arts of Ayacucho, they give testimony to the stories of individuals and communities who endured violence. The discussion will take place in Spanish with English interpretation.
Thursday, April 12, 2018 | 02:00 pm - 03:30 pm

Spanish Women Sound Artists: Sound Creations for Piano with Extended Techniques, Electronics, and Multimedia
Carmen Morales Moreno
Join us for a presentation in the Spring 2018 Musicology Colloquium and Music of the Americas Concert Series as pianist Carmen Morales presents on Spanish women sound artists.
Friday, April 13, 2018 | 12:00 pm - 01:30 pm

LAII PhD Colloquium
Join us for an afternoon with our LAII PhD Fellows, doctoral students from around campus whose work relates to Latin America, as they discuss their ongoing research.
Wednesday, April 18, 2018 | 03:00 pm - 04:00 pm

CNM•UNM LAS Lecture Series: The Rise of the Latin American New Middle Classes in Brazil and Colombia: A Cultural Story
Diego Bustos , UNM Department of Spanish and Portuguese
Join the UNM and CNM Latin American Studies programs for a presentation in their Spring 2018 LAS Lecture Series as graduate student Diego Bustos shares his research on looking at the rise of the Latin American new middle class.
Thursday, April 19, 2018 | 04:00 pm - 05:00 pm

Political Participation in “Post-Conflict” Colombia: Social Movements, Community Radio and the Challenge of Implementing the 2016 Government-FARC Peace Accords in the Countryside
Mario A. Murillo , Hofstra University
Join us for a presentation with Professor Murillo of Hostra University as he addresses questions regarding political participation in "post-conflict" Colombia.
Monday, April 23, 2018 | 08:00 am - 08:00 pm

3rd Annual Semana Cervantina
To commemorate the “International Day of the Book” and the “Day of the Spanish Language” on April 23rd, Instituto Cervantes Albuquerque organizes a week of events in collaboration with the National Hispanic Cultural Center, the Spanish Resource Center, the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, the UNM Latin American and Iberian Institute, and the Consulate of Mexico.
Tuesday, April 24, 2018 | 02:00 pm - 05:00 pm

Writing Resistance Symposium
Join us for "Writing Resistance," a mini-symposium focused on the theme of writing resistance and featuring Brazilian author and 2016 recipient of the prestigious Prêmio Jabuti award Natalia Borges Polesso and literary and cultural critic Leonardo Tonus.
Thursday, April 26, 2018 | 12:00 pm - 01:00 pm

Mezcal, Tequila & Sotol: A Conversation About Supporting Mexican Craft Spirits in the Global Economy
Graciela Angeles - Ricardo Pico - William Scanlan, III - Clayton Szczech , Distillery Representatives
Join us for a panel presentation with invited speakers who represent a range of organizations producing craft spirits in Mexico.
Tuesday, May 01, 2018 | 06:30 pm - 07:30 pm

Bridges, Not Walls; Poetry for Peacemaking
Margarita Engle , Poetry Foundation
Join the LAII and the National Hispanic Cultural Center for a free public reading with Margarita Engle, acclaimed author and poet.
Friday, May 11, 2018 | 01:00 pm - 03:00 pm

LAS Convocation
The Latin American Studies (LAS) program will hold its Spring 2018 Convocation, honoring those undergraduate and graduate students who will receive LAS degrees in May and August.
Monday, May 14, 2018 | 05:00 pm - 07:00 pm

Vamos a Leer Book Group: Shame the Stars
Join the UNM Latin American & Iberian Institute for our casual Vamos a Leer book group, a space dedicated to teachers discussing authentic and engaging Latinx literature for elementary, middle and high school classrooms. Each month we share curriculum, raffle a free copy of next month’s title, discuss Latinx culture and literary themes, and enjoy a pint.
Tuesday, August 21, 2018 | 12:30 pm - 01:00 pm

From Standing Rock to Colombia: Christian Solidarity, Nonviolence and Accompaniment
Rev. Emily Brewer , Executive Director of the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Join us for a presentation with Rev. Emily Brewer, Executive Director of the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship, as she speaks about PPF's nonviolent accompaniment work from Standing Rock to Colombia.
Friday, August 24, 2018 | 05:30 pm - 07:30 pm

SOLAS Welcome Back Happy Hour
Join the Student Organization for Latin American Studies (SOLAS) for a welcome back happy hour.
Wednesday, August 29, 2018 | 05:00 pm - 07:00 pm

LAII Fall Welcome Back Reception
Join the LAII for its annual Fall Welcome Back reception, where new and returning students, staff, faculty, and community members to gather together and celebrate the start of a new school year.
Wednesday, September 05, 2018 | 12:00 pm - 01:00 pm

Foreign Service Careers and Opportunities in Latin America and Beyond
Ken Chavez , UNM Diplomat in Residence
UNM Diplomat in Residence Ken Chavez will hold a discussion about internships and careers in the Foreign Service with the US Department of State and how the skills you develop with international coursework could lead to an exciting career in diplomacy.
Thursday, September 06, 2018 | 12:00 pm - 01:30 pm

¡Cine Magnífico! Screening: Al otro lado del muro
Join us as the 2018 ¡Cine Magnífico! Latino Film Festival comes to campus with a free screening of Al Otro Lado del Muro, an emotionally gripping documentary about a Honduran family living with looming deportation fears and family separation in Mexico City.
Friday, September 07, 2018 | 02:30 pm - 03:45 pm

¡Cine Magnífico! Screening: Los adioses
Join us as the 2018 ¡Cine Magnífico! Latino Film Festival comes to campus with a free screening of Los adioses, a moving drama based on the life of renowned Mexican author and poet Rosario Castellanos.
Monday, September 10, 2018 | 05:00 pm - 07:00 pm

Vamos a Leer Book Group: The First Rule of Punk
Join the UNM Latin American & Iberian Institute for our casual Vamos a Leer book group, a space dedicated to teachers discussing authentic and engaging Latinx literature for elementary, middle and high school classrooms. Each month we share curriculum, raffle a free copy of next month’s title, discuss Latinx culture and literary themes, and enjoy a pint.
Wednesday, September 12, 2018 | 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Father Luis Olivares: Faith, Politics, and the Origins of the Sanctuary Movement in Los Angeles
Mario T. García , Distinguished Professor of History and Chicana and Chicano Studies University of California, Santa Barbara
Join the UNM Department of Sociology and campus partners for a special presentation with Dr. Mario T.
García, Distinguished Professor of History and Chicana and Chicano Studies at the University of California,
Santa Barbara, as he discusses his forthcoming book, Father Luis Olivares: A Biography - Faith, Politics,
and the Origins of the Sanctuary Movement in Los Angeles (University of North Carolina Press, 2018).
Thursday, September 13, 2018 | 12:30 pm - 02:00 pm

Genocide, Sleaze, and Other Maladies: The Signs of Violence and Trauma in the Narratives of Gabriela Alemán
Dr. Gabriela Alemán
Join the UNM Department of Spanish and Portuguese and partners for a talk with Ecuadorian writer Gabriela Alemán.
Tuesday, September 18, 2018 | 03:00 pm - 04:00 pm

CNM•UNM LAS Lecture Series: Cultural Retentions in Afroveracruzana Cuisine: Visualizing the Afromexican Culinary Tradition
Dr. Doris Careaga-Coleman , UNM Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies
Join the UNM and CNM Latin American Studies programs for a presentation in their Fall 2018 LAS Lecture Series as UNM professor Dr. Doris Careaga-Coleman shares her research concerning Afromexican foodways as cultural retentions.
Wednesday, September 19, 2018 | 12:00 pm - 01:00 pm

LAII Lecture Series: Deregulating the Social Life of Property: Neoliberalism and Proliferation of Normative Dissonances in Mexico
Dr. Gabriela Torres-Mazuera , UNM Mexico Studies Chair
Join the LAII for a presentation with Dr. Gabriela Torres-Mazuera, UNM's Mexico Studies Chair, as she discusses the history and ongoing practices of privatization and commodification of communal lands in rural indigenous Mexico.
Wednesday, September 26, 2018 | 11:30 am - 01:00 pm

The Continued Threats to Colombian Peace Community
Jesus Emilio Tuberquia , Peace Community of San José de Apartadó
Join the Interdisciplinary Group of Colombian Studies at UNM as they present a talk with Jesus Emilio Tuberquia, a founding member of the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó in northwest Colombia.
Thursday, September 27, 2018 | 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

LOBOS Share Intercultural Experience Studying Abroad in Colombia
Join us for a panel presentation of students and faculty who participated in the Summer 2018 study abroad program, "Culturas Indígenas de Colombia," one of the first of its kind at UNM!
Friday, September 28, 2018 | 12:30 pm - 02:00 pm

Américas Award 25th Ceremony (Streamed Live!)
Join the Consortium of Latin American Studies Programs (CLASP) as it celebrates the 25th anniversary of the Américas Award with a live-streamed ceremony at the Library of Congress.
Wednesday, October 03, 2018 | 11:00 am - 01:00 pm

LAII Lecture Series: 50 años de la masacre de Tlatelolco: Elena Garro y el 68: violencia y persecución del Estado mexicano
Dr. Patricia Rosas Lopátegui, Dr. Miguel López, Dr. Irene Vásquez , Departments of Chicana and Chicano Studies and Spanish & Portuguese
Join the LAII and the Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies for a special event commemorating the 50th anniversary of the massacre of Tlatelolco.
Wednesday, October 03, 2018 | 05:00 pm - 08:00 pm

K-12 Educator's Workshop: Día de los Muertos and Cultural Literacy in Practice
Join the UNM Latin American & Iberian Institute and the National Hispanic Cultural Center for a free professional development workshop for K-12 educators focused on Día de los Muertos. Using culturally relevant resources, participants will learn how to integrate Día de los Muertos into their classrooms through art and literacy based activities that explore the history and practices associated with this tradition.
Thursday, October 04, 2018 | 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Roundtable Discussion: Mexico, the U.S., and the Politics of Mobility in the Trump Era
Faculty of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo (UAEH)
Join El Centro de la Raza, the Global Education Office, and the LAII for a special roundtable discussion with visiting faculty from the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo (UAEH) as they discuss US-Mexico relations in the era of the Trump administration.
Saturday, October 06, 2018 | 09:00 am - 12:00 pm

K-12 Educator's Workshop: Poesía in the Classroom
Join us for a free workshop focused on poetry in bilingual K-12 classrooms. This will be an excellent opportunity for teachers to learn more about how to celebrate the Spanish language and inspire a love of poetry in the classroom.
Monday, October 08, 2018 | 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

LAII Lecture Series: Women in Coffee and Chocolate
Mayra Orellana-Powell and Karla McNeil-Rueda
Join us as we welcome special visiting guests from the coffee and chocolate industry, Mayra Orellana-Powell and Karla McNeil-Rueda, as they discuss their work as women of color entrepreneurs in the global supply chain industry of specialty coffee and cacao.
Monday, October 08, 2018 | 05:00 pm - 07:00 pm

Vamos a Leer Book Group: I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter
Join the UNM Latin American & Iberian Institute for our casual Vamos a Leer book group, a space dedicated to teachers discussing authentic and engaging Latinx literature for elementary, middle and high school classrooms.
Wednesday, October 17, 2018 | 05:00 pm - 08:00 pm

Central America: Visual and Cultural Literacy
Muriel Hasbun
Join us for an evening of free professional development as Muriel Hasbun, artist and founder of Laberinto Projects, facilitates a three hour visual literacy workshop for middle and high school teachers on using Central American art to foster dialogue about migration, and to better understand the history and culture of El Salvador.
Thursday, October 18, 2018 | 07:00 pm - 08:00 pm

9th Annual Rudolfo and Patricia Anaya Lecture
Héctor Armienta
On Thursday, Oct. 18, the UNM Department of English hosts the distinguished Héctor Armienta as the featured speaker for the ninth annual Rudolfo and Patricia Anaya Lecture on the Literature of the Southwest.
Friday, October 19, 2018 | 12:00 pm - 02:30 pm

LAII Lecture Series: Expert Practices: Ethical Considerations in Disseminating Findings About Indigenous and Politically-Non-Dominant Languages
Dr. Catherine Rhodes and colleagues
As part of an effort to foster in-depth conversation on critical topics, the LAII has invited UNM faculty and graduate students to convene and examine “expert practices,” discussing the ethical considerations in disseminating findings about indigenous and politically non-dominant languages.
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 | 03:00 pm - 04:00 pm

CNM•UNM LAS Lecture Series: Indigenous Andeans: Race and Ethnicity from Colony to Nation
Laura Powell , PhD Student, UNM Department of History
Join the UNM and CNM Latin American Studies programs for the second presentation in their Fall 2018 LAS
Lecture Series as UNM graduate student Laura Powell shares her research concerning Indigenous people of the Andean region.
Thursday, October 25, 2018 | 12:00 pm - 01:00 pm

LAII Lecture Series: Trying to Resolve Political Issues Through Law: The Spanish State and the Catalan Conflict
Dr. Bruno Aguilera Barchet , Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Join the LAII and UNM School of Law for a presentation with Dr. Bruno Aguilera Barchet, Visiting Professor with the School of Law, as he discusses the recent political uprising in the Catalan region of Spain.
Friday, November 02, 2018 | 12:00 pm - 02:00 pm

4th Annual Field Research Grant Colloquium
Join us for the LAII's fourth annual Field Research Grant Colloquium, where we will highlight graduate student scholarship. Recent FRG recipients will share their respective research experiences and findings in a series of presentations.
Thursday, November 08, 2018 | 05:00 pm - 07:00 pm

Celebrate Bilingualism and New Mexico Spanish
Join us for an evening to celebrate the recent publication of Bilingualism in the Community (Cambridge University Press, 2018), a new book on code-switching. This exciting research documents that, contrary to popular beliefs about language mixing, bilinguals are skilled at maintaining distinct grammatical structures in their two languages, while switching between them.
Monday, November 12, 2018 | 05:00 pm - 07:00 pm

Vamos a Leer Book Group: The Epic Fail of Arturo Zamora
Join the UNM Latin American & Iberian Institute for our casual Vamos a Leer book group, a space dedicated to teachers discussing authentic and engaging Latinx literature for elementary, middle and high school classrooms.
Wednesday, November 14, 2018 | 08:00 am - 05:00 pm

Greenleaf Symposium on Rural Transformation in Latin America's Changing Climate
The LAII is pleased to announce its fifth annual Richard E. Greenleaf Interdisciplinary Symposium on Latin America, which will focus on the theoretical understandings of smallholder agriculture and rural landscapes within the context of ecological, political, and economic transformation in Latin America.
Wednesday, November 14, 2018 | 03:00 pm - 04:00 pm

CNM•UNM LAS Lecture Series: Policing the City: From Ferguson to Rio de Janeiro
Jennifer Tucker , Assistant Professor, UNM Community and Regional Planning Program
Join the UNM and CNM Latin American Studies programs for the third presentation in their Fall 2018 LAS Lecture Series as Dr. Jennifer Tucker, Assistant Professor in Community and Regional Planning, shares a presentation on race and security in global cities.
Friday, November 16, 2018 | 12:00 pm - 01:00 pm

Experimentalisms in Practice: Book Presentation with Authors
Dr. Ana Alonso Minutti, Dr. Eduardo Herrera, and Dr. Alejandro L. Madrid
Join us for a presentation, signing, and reception with Dr. Ana Alonso Minutti (University of New Mexico), Dr. Eduardo Herrera (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey), and Dr. Alejandro L. Madrid (Cornell University), co-editors of the volume Experimentalisms in Practice: Music Perspectives from Latin America (Oxford University Press, 2018).
Monday, November 19, 2018 | 12:00 pm - 01:00 pm
Book Presentation: Beyond Alterity, Destabilizing the Indigenous Other in Mexico
Dr. Gabriela Torres-Mazuera and Dr. Vivette García Deister
Join us as we celebrate the recent publication of Beyond Alterity, Destabilizing the Indigenous Other in Mexico, with authors Dr. Gabriela Torres-Mazuera and Dr. Vivette García Deister.