At the LAII we take great pride in the accomplishments of our Latin American Studies (LAS) alumni, as well as the many other Latin Americanist alumni who come from across campus and who connected with the LAII during their time at UNM. We count all of you among our community.

Alumni Profiles
UNM has awarded degrees in Latin American Studies since the 1930s. To gain an appreciation for the wide range of work that our alumni go on to do, read our alumni profiles.

Keep In Touch
We're proud of the accomplishments of our alumni and look forward to hearing about where you've been since graduating. Let us know what you've been up to!

Give to the LAII
We welcome and appreciate the support of our alumni and friends. Donations of all sizes are vital and gratefully accepted, and strengthen our ability to further our mission.

Donor Spotlights
The support of our alumni and friends is deeply welcomed by all at the LAII. Learn more about those whose contributions have changed the lives of our students.