CNM•UNM LAS Lecture Series: Policing the City: From Ferguson to Rio de Janeiro
Jennifer Tucker, Assistant Professor, UNM Community and Regional Planning Program

Wednesday, November 14, 2018 | 03:00 pm - 04:00 pm
Central New Mexico Community College (CNM) Main Campus
Smith Brasher Hall, Room 213
Join the UNM and CNM Latin American Studies programs for the third presentation in their Fall 2018 LAS Lecture Series as Dr. Jennifer Tucker, Assistant Professor in Community and Regional Planning, shares a presentation on race and security in global cities.
In the US, the Black Lives Matter movement has re-ignited a long-standing public conversation about the racialized dimensions of community dis/investment, policing, public safety, and urban development. Similar questions resonate in global cities around the world. The violent retaking of favelas from drug traffickers in Brazil, the militarization of towns on the US-Mexico border, and uprisings in Muslim-majority neighborhoods on Paris’ peripheries demonstrate the centrality of security, policing and inequality in diverse processes of urban development. In this presentation, Tucker frames both policing and planning as practices, processes and philosophies of who belongs in the city and what sorts of people can shape it. Both policing and planning are means of intervening into the urban environment. Furthermore, both claim to hold the wellbeing of the citizenry as their primary goal. Yet planning’s concern with inclusion, equity and justice points toward a different horizon of the possible. The presentation will introduce considerations of race, racism and dominant understandings of security as forces shaping contemporary cities in diverse contexts.
In addition to her work in the Community and Regional Planning program, Tucker serves as affiliated faculty in the Department of Geography and the Latin American & Iberian Institute. As a critical planning scholar, her research is inspired by movements for social justice in unequal cities. Concerned with claims to livelihood and belonging, Jennifer uses feminist ethnography to study urban work, collective action and the politics of development. Her current book project analyzes the relationships between urban development and outlaw capital in the Paraguay-Brazil borderlands. Proficient in Spanish and Guaraní – the mother tongue of most Paraguayans – Tucker conducts research in both languages. In addition to prior work as a community organizer and development practitioner in the US, Paraguay and Peru, she draws from a long history of activism for environmental, economic and racial justice.
This event is free and open to the public.
Central New Mexico Community College (CNM), Latin American and Iberian Institute (LAII)