K-12 Educator's Workshop: Poesía in the Classroom

Saturday, October 06, 2018 | 09:00 am - 12:00 pm
National Hispanic Cultural Center, Salon Ortega
1701 4th St SW
Join us for a morning of free professional development for all K-12 educators: in-service and pre-service teachers, educational aides, administrators, and librarians.
The first half of the event will focus on poetry in the bilingual classroom, beginning with Valerie Martínez, director of the NHCC History and Literary Arts division, sharing strategies for teaching poetry to all ages/grades of students— understanding the special language of poetry (metaphor, symbol, connotation, indirection), poetic form and music, “unlocking” a poem’s meaning, and encouraging a love for traditional and contemporary poetry. Martinez was the poet laureate of Santa Fe from 2008-2010 and has many years of experience in bringing poetry to youth and adults alike.
The second half of the morning will dive into hands-on discussions and explanations about two local initiatives that can help teachers bring poetry to life while celebrating the Spanish language: Poesía eres tú and Un Poema: Tantas Voces. First, Poesía eres tú, a long-running Spanish-language poetry contest for elementary school students, will be explained by Antonio Caballero and Mayte Villa of the Spanish Resource Center, alongside Keira Philipp-Schnurer of the Latin American and Iberian Institute. Second, Stephanie Lawyer will introduce teachers to the Un Poema: Tantas Voces project, which involves elementary, middle and high school students reading, understanding and translating (into English) a contemporary poem written in Spanish.
This will be an excellent opportunity for teachers to learn more about how to celebrate the Spanish language and inspire a love of poetry in the classroom. Participants will receive certificates of professional development. Questions and comments may be directed to laiioutreach@unm.edu.
This event is free and open to all K-12 educators, but pre-registration is required.