LAII Lecture Series: 50 años de la masacre de Tlatelolco: Elena Garro y el 68: violencia y persecución del Estado mexicano
Dr. Patricia Rosas Lopátegui, Dr. Miguel López, Dr. Irene Vásquez, Departments of Chicana and Chicano Studies and Spanish & Portuguese

Wednesday, October 03, 2018 | 11:00 am - 01:00 pm
Ortega Hall, Reading Room (335)
Join the LAII and the Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies for a special event commemorating the 50th anniversary of the massacre of Tlatelolco.
The event will begin with a special presentation by Dr. Patricia Rosas Lopátegui of the Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies, as she discusses “Elena Garro y el 68: violencia y persecución del Estado mexicano.” Elena Garro (Puebla, 1916 - Cuernavaca, 1998) is one of the most important writers of the 20th century. She stood out as a novelist, storyteller, dramatist and political and social activist. In her defense to democratize the Mexican post-revolutionary system in the 50s and 60s, she also defended the human rights of farmers that were stripped of their land by caciques and officials. For having confronted the regime, the government of Gustavo Díaz Ordaz accused her of being one of the main instigators of the Student Movement of 1968 and of heading a communist plot for a coup d’état. After the October 2 massacre in Tlatelolco, the Establishment accused her of betraying students and intellectuals and of being a government spy. These were the travesties orchestrated from within the government power to discredit and eliminate her from the political, social and cultural life for being one of the most outspoken voices against the autocracy in Mexico.
After the presentation, Dr. Miguel López (Department of Spanish & Portuguese) and Dr. Irene Vásquez (Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies) will join Dr. Lopátegui to lead a roundtable discussion of the legacy and implications of the Tlatelolco massacre. Audience members are invited to closely engage and ask questions.
Printed materials, including historical posters and other items related to the massacre, will be on display around the room.
This event is free and open to the public. The presentation will be offered in Spanish without English translation; the roundtable discussion will be conducted in both English and Spanish.
Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies, Latin American and Iberian Institute, Southwest Hispanic Research Institute