The Latin American and Iberian Institute (LAII) is committed to expanding awareness, knowledge, and understanding of Latin America and Iberia among diverse constituents. As part of that commitment, the LAII strives to create a stimulating and supportive environment for K-12 educators so that they can produce, enhance, and expand knowledge of Latin America within their classrooms. To this end we work with educators across grade levels and subject areas, providing them with the following resources.

PD Workshops
Professional development workshops for K-12 educators are offered throughout the year. These workshops cover a variety of sociocultural topics and bilingual teaching strategies.

Teaching literacy offers one of the most compelling ways to introduce culturally relevant and informed content into the K-12 classroom. With that in mind, the LAII emphasizes that support the teaching of Latin America through literature.

The LAII offers a range of curriculum materials and related resources to support teaching about Latin America and Iberia in K-12 classrooms. The materials are relevant across grade levels and subject areas, with many activities serving as interdisciplinary introductions to topics.

Local Lending Resources
We know that New Mexico teachers often have difficulty accessing quality multicultural resources for their classrooms. With that in mind, we have begun to acquire such materials and make them available for loan at no cost to educators.

Youth Events
The LAII is pleased to partner with area educators and organizations to annually support the following local events.

Advisory Committee
To ensure that the LAII's K-12 resources truly support teachers in the classroom, the LAII actively seeks input from practicing teachers through the LAII Teacher Advisory Committee.