Following the long tradition of faculty co-governance at UNM, the LAII relies on broadly representative committees to guide its programs.
Five committees provide guidance: the Executive Committee, the Grants and Awards Committee, the Interdisciplinary Committee on Latin American Studies, the K-12 Teacher Advisory Committee, and the Operations Committee. Appointment processes vary by committee, as outlined in our governing documents:
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee consists of the president, vice-president, and secretary of the Faculty Concilium, six representatives elected by the Faculty Concilium, and a student member elected by SOLAS. All serve two-year terms, with the possibility of re-election. No more than four faculty members of the committee may be from any one college. Duties of the Executive Committee are to consult with and advise the LAII director regarding the mission, strategy, and priorities of the Institute, generate proposals for interdisciplinary research and outreach initiatives, and make decisions on major policy questions.
- Andreas Hernandez, President
- Arts and Sciences
- Jessica Carey Webb, Vice President
- Spanish and Portuguese
- Margaret Jackson, Secretary
- Art and Art History
- Allison Borden, Representative
- Educational Leadership
- Sandro Espinosa y Mann, Representative
- Student Organization for Latin American Studies
- Paul Figueroa, Representative
- School of Law
- Susana Martinez Guillem, Representative
- Communication and Journalism
- Margie Montañez, Representative
- Latin American Collections Curator
- Douglas Thomas, Representative
- International Management
- Francisco Uviña, Representative
- Community and Regional Planning
- Kathryn McKnight, Ex Officio Member
- Latin American Studies Program Director
- Lenny Urena Valerio, Ex Officio Member
- Latin American Program Development Associate Director
- Frances Hayashida, Ex Officio Member
- Latin American and Iberian Institute Director
Grants & Awards Committee
The Grants and Awards Committee consists of one representative for each department or professional program that offers a graduate concentration on Latin America or that maintains a dual degree with Latin American Studies, and a student member elected by SOLAS. Graduate units are asked to select their representatives by faculty vote. Duties of the Grants and Awards Committee are to review proposals, applications and nominations for LAII Field Research Grant awards for graduate students and faculty, LAII PhD fellowships, and the Visiting Library Researcher program funded by the Greenleaf Visiting Scholar Fund. The committee oversees all award processes.
- Kathryn McKnight, Representative
- Latin American & Iberian Institute
- Marsella Macias, Representative
- Student Organization for Latin American Studies
- Les Field, Representative
- Anthropology
- M'bewe Escobar, Representative
- Department of Theatre and Dance
- Miriam Gay-Antaki, Representative
- Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
- Enrique Sanabria, Representative
- Department of History
- Jami Nelson Nuñez, Representative
- Department of Political Science
- Jose Luis Hurtado, Representative
- Department of Music
- Ray Hernandez Duran, Representative
- Department of Art History
Interdisciplinary Committee on Latin American Studies (ICLAS)
The Interdisciplinary Committee on Latin American Studies (ICLAS) is the faculty governance body of the LAS program. The committee is composed of 8 to 10 full-time faculty members appointed by the Dean of Arts and Sciences for two-year terms (which may be renewed). The Dean also appoints one graduate student representative who serves a one-year term (which may be renewed). The Associate Director of Academic Programs chairs the committee. The ICLAS Policy Manual provides more information on the structure, governance, and duties of the committee.
- Kathryn McKnight, Chair
- Latin American Studies
- Loren Collingwood
- Political Science
- Marygold Walsh-Dilley
- Geography and Environmental Studies
- Kimberly Gauderman
- History
- Frances Hayashida, LAII Director, ex officio
- Anthropology
- Jennifer Moore
- School of Law
- Suzanne Oakdale
- Anthropology
- Neider Devia
- Student Organization for Latin American Studies
K-12 Teacher Advisory Committee
The LAII Teacher Advisory Committee is composed of New Mexico educators who serve the vital role of guiding LAII K-12 community education programs. Committee members assist the LAII by expressing classroom instructional needs; reviewing and evaluating existing LAII activities; and developing recommendations for enhancing and expanding resources. Given the LAII's collaboration with institutions across the country, the committee has the potential for national as well as local impact.
Operations Committee
The Operations Committee consists of six or more faculty members and one student member elected by SOLAS which elects its own chair. Members are chosen by the Executive Committee from a list of individuals who volunteer or are nominated to serve for a period of one year. The purpose of this committee is to facilitate community engagement in the area of Latin American Studies via the generous funding from the state of New Mexico. This committee receives and processes requests for funds for programs, public events, lectures, and conferences. Service on this committee offers members the opportunity to make an impact for UNM in Latin American Studies scholarship and outreach, both nationally and internationally.
- Mike Ryan, Representative
- History
- Doris Elena Careaga-Coleman, Representative
- Chicana and Chicano Studies
- Heather Edgar, Representative
- Anthropology
- Douglas Thomas, Representative
- International Management
- Miguel López, Representative
- Spanish and Portuguese