Abril para la palabra y tercer encuentro de ángeles en la tierra del encanto

Thursday, April 03, 2025 | 02:00 pm - 05:00 pm

UNM Main Campus (see program for details)


Abril para la palabra 2025 includes plenty of great poetry and narrative readings, literary talks, book presentations, and much more by our special guests: Luz Elena Becerril, Lilly Blake, Adriana Candia, Arelí Chavira, Ana Gabriela Hernández, Paz Ferrer, Victoria Montemayor, Nicté Ortiz, Vielka Solano, and Sylvia Vergara. The meeting in 2025 will be an Angels in the Land of Enchantment reunion for several talented women writers from Mexico, Costa Rica and the USA.


This event is free and open to the public.