¡Cine Magnífico! Screening: Los adioses

Friday, September 07, 2018 | 02:30 pm - 03:45 pm

UNM Student Union Building (SUB) Theater


Join us as the 2018 ¡Cine Magnífico! Latino Film Festival comes to campus with a free screening of Los adioses, a moving drama based on the life of renowned Mexican author and poet Rosario Castellanos.

Rosario Castellanos is an introverted university student who doesn't seem to belong to her time. In the early 1950s in Mexico City, she is fighting to have her voice heard in a society run by men. She is about to become one of the biggest female writers in Mexican literature, but her tumultuous love story with Ricardo Guerra will manifest her fragility and contradictions. At the peak of her career and her marriage, she will ignite a discussion that will mark a turning point in her life.

A principios de los años 50 en la Ciudad de México, Rosario va en contra de una sociedad regida por hombres: es una intelectual universitaria precoz, pronto una de las escritoras capitales de la literatura mexicana. Sin embargo, su turbulenta historia de amor con Ricardo Guerra muestra el reverso contradictorio. En el punto alto de su carrera, en la madurez del matrimonio, estalla una discusión que marca un punto sin retorno.

About ¡Cine Magnífico!

Albuquerque has positioned itself as a creative and inclusive city where our community can experience a cultural exchange and participate in the many inspiring events organized by the numerous local organizations.

¡Cine Magnífico! was created to further encourage cultural interactions and awareness through the lens of Latin America and Spanish cinema. It has always been about, but especially now in the face of today's political and social climate, covering the issues that exist in our own communities. It seeks to aim a light at comunidades latinas in the US and elsewhere to “endow them with visibility”. This is the magic of cinema: visibility - the truest sense of cinematic and visual arts. Our own lives - our shared joys and concerns - shine through the screen, along with elegant music scores, true characters, stunning settings, gorgeous costumes, and well-told stories.

Organized by Instituto Cervantes of Albuquerque, the festival showcases a diverse set of films, from award-winning to local and up-and-coming filmmakers. This year's screenings will take place at the National Hispanic Cultural Center, the Kimo Theater, the Guild Cinema and the UNM SUB Theater. The LAII is a proud educational partner of the festival. 


Campus screenings are free and open to the public. Other screenings throughout the film festival are ticketed. Please see the festival website for more information.


Instituto Cervantes of Albuquerque, Latin American and Iberian Institute