The Last Snapshots of the Latin American Revolution: Culture, Politics, and Nostalgia, 1979-1991
Dr. Valeria Manzano, University of San MartÃn

Thursday, February 27, 2025 | 02:00 pm
801 Yale Blvd NE (campus building #165)
Join the LAII for a discussion about the Nicaraguan Revolution (La Revolución Sandinista).
When, where, and how did the leftwing revolutionary projects and imaginations end? The central aim of this project is to answer this overarching question and, in doing so, shed new light into the history of the leftwing political culture, from the victory of the Nicaraguan Revolution in 1979 until the critical biennium 1989-1991. Albeit with different modalities and intensities, millions of people in Latin America kept believing in revolutionary projects, seeking to reconcile longstanding struggles for socioeconomic equality and anti-imperialism with a renovated agenda centered on democracy and equality in the gender, sexual, and racial milieus. The support for the Sandinistas in other geographical settings signaled that these projects also appealed to North American and Western European leftwing militants and sympathizers. The (would-be) last snapshots of the Latin American revolution collaborated with the persistence and transformation of a global leftwing political culture during the 1980s.
Valeria Manzano is Professor of History at the University of San Martín and researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research, Argentina. She is the author of The Age of Youth in Argentina: Culture, Politics, and Sexuality from Perón to Videla, Un siglo joven: juventud, cultura y política en la Argentina del siglo XX (Siglo XXI, March 2025), and La última ilusión: cultura, política y la crisis de la revolución en América Latina (University of Bielefeld, May 2025) as well as of two-dozen articles and chapters. She has been visiting professor at the Graduate Institute of International Studies (Geneva), University of Cologne, Diego Portales (Santiago de Chile), and University of Costa Rica, among others. She is currently completing the archival research for a book project, tentatively titled The Last Snapshots of the Latin American Revolution: Culture, Politics, and Nostalgia.
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