Mexican Democracy, Foreign Policy and Perspectives on US-Mexican Relationships

Dr. Rafael Velázquez Flores

Tuesday, October 22, 2024 | 03:00 pm

Ortega Hall, Reading Room (third floor)


Join the Latin American and Iberian Institute, the International Studies Institute, and the Department of Political Science for a talk about Mexican democracy, presented by Dr. Rafael Velázquez. 

The purpose of this talk is to present and discuss the basis of Mexican democracy in recentyears. It will particularly emphasize the key changes that the Mexican political system hasexperienced since 2000, in which there have been three political parties in power. The talk willfocus on the question of whether there has been a democratic transition or a politicalalternation. It will also discuss Mexico's foreign policy towards the United States, as well asidentify some possible impacts that the US presidential election could have on Mexico and thebilateral relationship with the United States.

Dr. Rafael Velázquez is an International Relations professor at the Schoolof Economics and International Relations (FEyRI) of the AutonomousUniversity of Baja California (UABC). He holds a Ph.D. in InternationalStudies from the University of Miami. He was a fellow at the US-MexicanStudies Center of the University of California San Diego. He currentlyholds the Mexico Studies Chair of the Fulbright Program at the Universityof New Mexico with the Latin American and Iberian Institute.


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