International Structure of the Cannabis Industry

Dr. Chris Duvall

Wednesday, July 01, 2020 | 02:00 pm

Virtual (Zoom)


Join the Global Ties ABQ Team and the LAII for a conversation with Dr. Chris Duvall about the International Structure of the Cannabis Industry. Dr. Duvall will talk about four phases of cannabis history in Africa, focusing on the last of these.  First, during the plant’s initial dispersal across the continent, people developed diverse cultures of cannabis farming and use.  Second, several formal markets for cannabis developed under colonial regimes, although colonialists more widely suppressed the crop.  Third, twentieth-century drug laws changed the economics of production, causing cannabis farming to become particularly attractive to resource-poor farmers.  Finally, several countries have recently legalized cannabis cultivation in specific contexts, but with just two exceptions legalization has been driven by businesses in the Global North (particularly Canada), where private companies are profiting within newly opened cannabis markets.  Altogether, the crop’s agricultural history has produced relationships that enable Global Northerners to extract more value from African resources than African farmers can extract. 

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