Humanities, Digital Humanities, and Latinx Studies: Exploring the Interstices in Academic Libraries
Dr. Margie MontaƱez, Central New Mexico Community College

Tuesday, November 05, 2019 | 03:00 pm
Smith Brasher Hall 209
Central New Mexico Community College
Join the LAII and CNM for a presentation with Dr. Margie Montañez, CLIR (Council on Library and Information
Resources)/Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Data Curation for Latin American, Caribbean, and Chicano/a Studies
at The University of New Mexico.
Centering her own navigation through a humanities doctorate, archival research, and a postdoc in academic
libraries, Dr. Montañez will forefront the importance of humanities in emerging digital and scholarship trends.
From Chicano/a Studies to Latin American post-custodial projects, this talk will explore the interstices and
possibilities of the digital humanities to bridge the North-South information divide, ask new questions, and
engage new modes of knowledge production.
Dr. Margie Montañez is the CLIR (Council on Library and Information Resources)/Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in
Data Curation for Latin American, Caribbean, and Chicano/a Studies at The University of New Mexico and will
begin her position as an Assistant Professor in the College of University Libraries and Learning Sciences at UNM
in Spring 2020. She received her Ph.D in American Studies and her scholarship focuses on Chicano/a Cultural
Production, U.S.-Mexico Borderlands, and Digital Humanities. She critically situates postcolonial epistemologies
and archival studies as a praxis to interrogate the challenges and benefits of digital humanities and its
technologies. As a cultural studies scholar housed in the library, she works with post-custodial archival
collections that bridge the north-south information divide, helps oversee the Latin American collections, and
helps implement national and transnational digital humanities projects.
This event is free and open to the public.