5th Annual Field Research Grant Colloquium

Tuesday, October 29, 2019 | 12:30 pm
Student Union Building Atrium
Join us for the LAII's fifth annual Field Research Grant Colloquium, where we will highlight graduate student scholarship. Recent FRG recipients will share their respective research experiences and findings in a series of presentations.
Participants include:
- Christopher Anderson, Estimating the Evolutionary History of Anolis lizards, Cuba, Ph.D. Biology
- Joseph Barnett, The Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cuba (Soroa), M.S. Biology
- Juan Esteban Barrera Ortega, Corpus FonMed. Habla de Laboratory, M.A. Spanish and Portuguese
- Carlos Contreras, Sexual Assault and Harrassment in Mexican Universities, Mexico (Monterry, Poza Rica and Mexico City), Ph.D. Political Science
- Schuyler Liphardt, Bats as Natural Carriers of Hantavirus Disease in Panama, Panama, Broad Sampling Across The County, Ph.D. Biology
- Paige Lynch, Examiining Structural Violence and Resource Access Through Stable Isotopic Analyses in Colonial Period Mexico City, Mexico, Ph.D. Anthropology
This event is free and open to the public.