LAII 2019-2020 PhD Fellowship Presentations
July 14, 2020

Each year the LAII awards PhD Fellowships to meritorious doctoral students whose research relates to Latin America. The LAII's current PhD Fellows represent the departments of Archaeology, Latin American Studies, History, Anthropology, Linguistics, and Spanish and Portuguese.
The annual PhD Fellows colloquium provides the LAII community with a chance to hear from these exceptional scholars, and to generate cross-campus dialogue among Latin Americanist graduate students. and faculty. Unfortunately, this event was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In lieu of the event, the PhD Fellows recorded their planned presentations highlighting their work exploring important topics in Latin Americanist scholarship.
The Role of Coastal Resource Stability in the Transition to Agriculture, Soconusco, Mexico
Asia Alsgaard | Archaeology
War of Words: Gender, Culture, and Transnationalism in the Discourse of Spanish Anti-fascism, 1923-1946
Carter Barnwell | History
The Role of Subsistence in the Neanderthal Extinction
Milena Carvalho | Anthropology
Hand of the Potter, Hand of the State: Craft Production and Control in Tawantinsuyu
James Alexander Davenport | Anthropology
A Constructionist Approach to Verbal Borrowing: The Case of Paraguayan Guarani
Josefina Bittar Prieto | Linguistics
The Lithium Economy: Bolivia’s “New” Resource and its Role in the Creation of the Plurinational State and Revolutionary Politics
Zsofia J. Szoke | Anthropology