Student Field Research Grants

Graduate students can benefit significantly from the opportunity to conduct field research in Latin America, where they combine practice with theory and connect their scholarship to lived experiences or archival data. To make field research more accessible to students, each spring the LAII offers field research grants (FRGs) to graduate students across campus. All potential applicants are encouraged to attend. Check out the LAII Field Research Grant Location map to see past projects.

The deadline for the 2024 Field Research Grants has passed. Check back in next fall for more information.



LAII: Funding: Meet our Field Research Students

FRGs provide graduate students with the ability to acquire a comprehensive knowledge of Latin American languages, terrain and cultures; to become familiar with information sources relevant to their studies; to conduct pilot studies and preliminary investigations that will inform their thesis or dissertation proposals; and to develop contacts with scholars and institutions in their fields of study.

Master's students and doctoral students at the early stages of study (pre-dissertation), as well as students pursuing professional degrees are eligible to apply. The research must be conducted in Latin America, defined here as the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries of the region, and must be relevant to Latin American area studies, including a significant component related to the human societies of the region. Complete guidelines and application instructions are included in the application form.
Guidelines are included with the application.
The LAII asks that funding recipients formally acknowledge the Institute's role in supporting their scholarship. Please review our complete Expectations for Acknowledgement for more details.