Jeremy Falson
Sociology; Political Science
Jeremy received his bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Culture, where he studied Latin American literature and history. It was the exposure to these literary discourses and the social realities of the region that led him to travel extensively throughout South America. In pursuing a M.A. in Latin American studies, Jeremy has sought to gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental issues that underlie Latin American political and economic development. Jeremy is now in the second year of his master's degree, concentrating in political science and sociology. He is currently writing his master's thesis on mid-20th century industrial policy, specifically pertaining to the Mexican automobile sector. In addition to his academic work Jeremy has held various graduate assistantships through the LAII. Last year he served as an Assistant of Academic/Program Development where he helped Dr. Leila Lehnen shape the syllabus of the Pro-Seminar in Latin American Studies (a gateway course required of first-year MALAS students). Jeremy is now the Student Coordinator for the Student Organization for Latin American Studies (SOLAS), for which he organizes presentations aimed at enriching the UNM community's knowledge of students' research on Latin America. As coordinator, he created and now edits the SOLAS website, an interactive forum that hosts students' research and insight on an array of socio-cultural issues regarding Latin America. Additionally, Jeremy has helped revive the annual student-run Sin Fronteras film festival, an event devoted to presenting documentaries about the pressing social issues in Latin American as well as highlighting the diversity of the region's feature filmmaking talent.