Language Concordance, Heritage Language Health Professionals, and Latino Health
Glenn MartÃnez, PhD

Friday, February 28, 2020 | 06:30 pm
Coral Room | Doubletree Hotel
201 Marquette Ave NW
Health communication researchers agree that language concordant (LC) health care encounters
significantly impact health care quality, health outcomes and health care relationship for
language minority populations in the United States. While the health protective benefits of LC
care have been well documented, relatively few studies have sought to describe the discourse
characteristics of LC encounters. These studies point to significant differences between LC
encounters with an L2 Spanish-speaking provider and with an HL Spanish-speaking provider. In
this presentation, I will present the results of a study that compares LC interactions between L2
and HL providers, point out the discourse features of these interactions and demonstrate the
impact of these interactions on health and behavioral outcomes of Spanish-speaking patients.
Finally, I will consider the implications of this research for the teaching and testing of Spanish
heritage language health professionals in the United States.
This event is free and open to the public.