First Annual Latin American & Iberian Institute Photo Contest
March 26, 2024

Do you have amazing pictures from your fieldwork, research, or study abroad in Latin America or Iberia? Submit to the LAII’s First Annual Photo Contest!
Who can submit: Faculty and Students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels are eligible to apply. The photo must be your original work or a photo that was taken of you in the field. You may submit up to 4 photos.
How to enter: Please send your images accompanied by a short description with the date, location, and context to with the subject PHOTO CONTEST. By submitting, you consent to your photo being used in LAII reports, promotions on our website and social media. If there are people recognizable, please submit a signed photo release with your submissions or other documentation of consent. Applicants may be asked to resubmit a higher quality image. All photos must be unedited and can be from any year.
Photo Ethics: All submitted photos must be created ethically and provide an accurate, equitable and unedited representation of the stories and people photographed. Avoid perpetuating stereotypes and ensure that the people photographed are aware and have consented to be photographed. Please do NOT submit photos of children, unless you have a signed photo release from their parent or guardian.
Prizes: There are two categories of prizes; faculty and students. 1st prize in each category will receive a $125 Visa gift card, 2nd prize in each category will receive a $75 Visa gift card.
Deadline: Please submit all required materials to by April 24, 2024 at 11:59pm. Winners will be announced on May 1.