CNM•UNM Speaker Series Continues with New Presentations
February 9, 2016

In Fall 2015 the Latin American & Iberian Institute (LAII) at the University of New Mexico (UNM) began a Latin American Studies (LAS) speaker series in partnership with the recently-created LAS program at Central New Mexico Community College (CNM). We continue the tradition in Spring 2016 with a new lineup of engaging presentations.
The speaker series offers lectures provided by UNM faculty, graduate students, and invited speakers. Presentations are held on the CNM main campus, and feature diverse topics that showcase the interdisciplinary nature of Latin Americanist scholarship in New Mexico and in the field at large. All of the free and public lectures will take place in the Max Salazar building, room 201. Upcoming presentations include:
- February 23: Dr. Ana Alonso-Minutti – Performing Resistance: Quanta and the Experimental Music Scene of 1970s Mexico
- March 29: Beau Murphy - Exploring the Origins and Backwaters of the Inka Empire: Imperial Activity in the High Andes, Low Jungles, and Hyper-Arid Atacama Desert
- April 26: Dr. Erin Debenport - Pueblo Invisibilities in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands
For reference, see the Speaker Series flyer.