Teresa Eckmann

Greenleaf Visiting Library Scholar

Assistant Professor
University of Texas at San Antonio

Photo: Teresa  Eckmann

Dr. Teresa Eckmann received a Greenleaf Visiting Library Scholar award in Summer 2010 to support research on Of Love and Betrayal: The José Guadalupe Posada Collection of Mexican Popular Prints from the University of New Mexico. At the time, she was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Art and Art History at the University of Texas at San Antonio.

Dr. Eckmann specializes in modern and contemporary Latin American art, with a focus on Mexico. Her book, Neo-Mexicanism: Mexican Figurative Painting and Patronage in the 1980s, was published in 2010. She has published articles and reviews in Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma, and British Print Quarterly (forthcoming), chapter essays in ¿Neomexicanismos? Ficciones identitarias en México (Mexico City: Museo de Arte Moderno, 2011) and Latin American Posters: Public Aesthetics and Mass Politics (Santa Fe: Museum of New Mexico Press, 2006) as well as essays in numerous exhibition and auction catalogues.

Image: University of Texas at San Antonio.

Title of Research : Of Love and Betrayal: The José Guadalupe Posada Collection of Mexican Popular Prints from the University of New Mexico

While at UNM, Eckmann drew upon library archives to develop a project that entailed researching and selecting 60-80 prints predominantly from the Fernando Gamboa Collection in UNM's Center for Southwest Research for a curated exhibit to coincide with the bicentennial of Mexican independence from Spain and the centennial of the Mexican Revolution. In addition, she worked with the Mexican Chapbook Collection 1880-1967 and La Estampa Mexicana's Jose Guadalupe Posada Folio.